Welcome to the HumanCafe Link Page®

An international exchange of ideas on how to make a better world for the new Millennium, written by the people of planet Earth.

Related Link Pages:

Giordano Bruno: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/1457/index.html
Art & Celsia: http://www.lycos.it/Celsia/index.html
One Day in Peace: http://www.oneday.net/us-c.htm
The Home Foundation: http://www.thehomefoundation.com/
World Peace 2000 Web Ring: http://www.tyler.net/lbyard/worldpeace.htm
Lightshift 2000:  http://www.lightshift.com/ 
Attitudinal Healing: http://www.healingcenter.org/


Satellite Keo:  http://www.keo.org/uk/pages/default.html
Examined Life Journal: http://examinedlifejournal.com/index.shtml
Quantum Future: http://www.cassiopaea.org/quantum_future/qf.htm
Philosophy Resources: http://www.qozi.com/philosophy/

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The Habeas Mentem Trust is established as a not-for-profit trust for the purpose of helping preserve Earth's natural habitats and living species, promote non-invasive methods of developing natural resources, and help other charitable organizations in their similar work; encourage dialogue between people of all nations, cultures, races, and beliefs towards a common understanding and respect of individual human beings from all worlds; and to solicit ideas and contributions from all humankind to work towards achieving a planetary Peace in the 2000's.